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◎译  名  恐龙大迁徙/恐龙的行军 ◎片  名  March of the Dinosaurs ◎年  代  2011 ◎国  家  英国 ◎类  别  纪录片/动画/剧情 ◎语  言   英语 ◎字  幕   英文 ◎IMDB评分 6.9/10 (27 votes) ◎IMDB链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1737591/ ◎文件格式  X264 + DTS ◎视频尺寸  1920 x 816 ◎文件大小  1CD 5.46GB ◎片  长  1hr 29min ◎导  演  Matthew Thompson ◎主  演  Stephen Fry ... Narrator ◎简  介 这是一部关于恐龙的科教记录片, 北极:70万年前。一个极端的世界。夏季的阳光变成了24小時严寒的夜晚。恐龙们不得不做出选择,勇敢的向南迁徙以寻找阳光。一段充满了暴风雪,火山爆发和致命狩猎者的危险旅程,一个年轻的埃德蒙頓龙开始了他的第一个千里迁移. 片中令人惊叹的CG动画和精心构建的数码世界,可以說是真正的恐龙电影演变,令人震撼.   The Arctic: 70 million years ago. It is a world of extremes. Tropical summers of 24hr sunlight are replaced by freezing winters of continuous night. The remarkable dinosaurs that lived under the Northern Lights had to make a choice, brave the winter or head south to find the sun.   Join Scar, a young Edmontosaurus embarking on his first thousand-mile migration. It is a journey for survival that is fraught with danger; blizzards, volcanic eruptions and deadly predators lie ahead. Meanwhile Patch, a juvenile Troodon, left alone in the North, must learn to survive in one of the harshest environments the Earth has ever known.   This epic feature-length adventure portrays an incredible polar odyssey that actually happened but has never been witnessed before. Based on recent fossil evidence blasted out of the ice around the North Pole, the makers of ''Walking with Dinosaurs'' and ''Prehistoric Park'' are delighted to introduce you to an all-new cast of dinosaurs, from feathered tyrannosaurs to giant marine predators. Featuring stunning animation and a painstakingly recreated digital world, it can truly be said that the dinosaur film has evolved. 外挂中文字幕 http://www.y4dg.com/forum-attachment-aid-ODg0NjB8MmVjZjE5OWF8MTMxMDMwNDU5N3wy.html
03/30 13:54 movie
[建筑学概论].Architecture.101.2012.BluRay.720p.x264.AC3-CnSCG[韩语中字/3G] ◎译  名 建筑学概论/初恋筑迹101(港)/初恋筑梦101(台) ◎片  名 Architecture 101 ◎年  代 2012 ◎国  家 韩国 ◎类  别 爱情 ◎语  言 韩语 ◎字  幕 中文 ◎文件格式 x264 + AC3 ◎视频尺寸 1280 x 720 ◎文件大小 1CD 3.00G ◎IMDB评分 7.0/10 (667 votes) ◎IMDB链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2337981 ◎片  长 1h:56m:21s ◎导  演 李勇周 Young-su Lee ◎主  演 韩佳人 Ga-in Han....Present Seo-Yeon       严泰雄 Tae-woong Eom....Seung-min - Present       李帝勋 Je-hun Lee       秀智 Suzy       赵正锡 Jeong-seok Cho....Nabddeuckyi       高俊熙 Jun-hee Go       刘延锡 Yeon-seok Yoo       金意成 Eui-sung Kim....Professor Kang       Su-young Park....Director Goo       Hyeon-cheol Jo....Dong-goo       Dong Joo Kim....Seung-Min's Mother       Seung-Ho Lee....Seo-yeon's father       Su Ji Bae....Past Seo-Yeon       Jun-hee Ko....Eun-chae       Yeon-Seok Yoo....Jae-wook       Je-hoon Lee....Seung-min - Past       Jo Jeong-Seok....Nabddeuckyi       Dong Joo Kim....Seung-Min's mother ◎简  介   胜民(严泰雄 饰)在一家建筑公司担任建筑设计师,某日接到一份新的房屋设计工程,委托人竟是自己学生时代的梦中情人瑞英(韩佳人 饰)。两人相识于多年前大学的建筑学概论课堂上,20岁的胜民(李济勋 饰)对这个来旁听的音乐系的女生瑞英(裴秀智 饰)一见钟情。两人在每日的相处间日渐亲密起来。只是当时年轻的胜民害羞生涩,始终无法合适的表达出自己的爱意,最终使这段美好的初恋无疾而终。   多年后,胜民和瑞英的这次重逢,使得旧时未褪去的爱情又重新散发光彩。只是现在的二人已不再是当年无所牵挂的学生,胜民早已有了自己的未婚妻。胜民和瑞英是否还能延续年少时的爱情? ◎幕后制作   恋爱建筑学   影片最大的新意便是将“建筑”和“爱情”联系在一起。本身就是建筑学专业出身的导演李勇周表示,爱情和建筑之间存在很微妙的关联,二者都是从零到有,通过精心设计和搭建才能成就一个“家”,建筑成就的是住所,爱情成就的则是精神港湾。影片早在李勇周处女长片《不信地狱》前就开始酝酿,耗费了将近十年的时间反复修改、润色,最终成行。影片从“纯爱”开始,将一段初恋绵延至15年后,以熟男熟女的心境回首青涩甜蜜,最终萌生了新的爱情。影片风格沿袭韩影固有的纯美路线,以精致细节和唯美镜头打动人心。这对长期担任奉俊昊副导演的李勇周来说算是全新尝试。他坦诚,过去接触的作品以异色、勇猛为多,浪漫题材讨好,但想拍出新意确有难度。所以,此次他推出“恋爱建筑学”的全新概念,在浪漫故事中加入“建筑”这一理性元素,更将怀旧情怀带入,为影片凭添了较深层次的意味。   两对佳偶,别样风情   《建筑学概论》之所以牵动业内外人士的一直关注,还缘于影片目前阵容格外养眼。   先说15年后的这对恋人,分别由“严POSE”严泰雄和气质美女韩佳人出演。前者毋庸赘言,近期作品基本呈“一片未下一片又上”的密集攻势,刚与郑丽媛在《永不结束的故事》中缠绵悱恻了一把,紧接着拉起了韩美人的纤纤玉手,羡煞旁人。韩佳人亦是凭借同期热播的剧集《拥抱太阳的月亮》急剧人气,成为网络点击量最大的热点人物。本片亦是韩佳人七年前《马粥街残酷史》后首都回归大银幕。从公布的几款海报和预告片看,时光并未在她的面容留下任何痕迹,其美丽依旧的造型更被网友评为“360°无死角完美面孔”。   15年前的初恋男女则由近期热度急剧攀升的新生代男优李继勋和女子组合Miss A成员秀智担纲。李继勋凭借在处女作《只是朋友》中的同性恋角色声名鹊起,在《守望者》中的不俗表现更是令人惊叹,很快越过偶像派的藩篱,直接成为实力派的接班人。此前表演经验尚浅的秀智凭借清丽外形、可人笑容完美诠释了大学时代的“瑞英”,更因其长发飘飘和纤细的身段被誉为“再生全智贤”。有趣的是,片中设计了“打手腕游戏”,刚好和《野蛮女友》中的“打脸蛋游戏”有异曲同工之妙,令观众回味无穷。此外,李继勋和秀智在片中的深情一吻也被网友评为年度浪漫之吻。   怀旧风不绝   不知道是巧合还是有意为之,影片《阳光姐妹淘》成为票房黑马后,怀旧风吹不绝。《建筑学概论》再次呈现上世纪90年代风貌。首先在房屋外景上,剧组找到首尔城北区贞陵一带的空屋,颇有些上世纪末的感觉;当代部分的屋景则选在济州岛,不仅风光秀丽,而且散发着成熟美,与男女主角的气质非常接近。音乐方面也有时代体现,上世纪末的人气组合“展览会”的名曲《记忆的习作》贯穿了男女主角的青春部分,充分展现了彼时初恋的含蓄感觉。为了增强时代气息,道具组还特别搜集到了当时流行的发胶瓶、卡通人偶等一切可以勾起往昔记忆的小物件,可谓用心良苦。 ◎花  絮   ·影片是人气组合MissA成员秀智主演的首部影片。样貌清纯的她自出道就有着“小全智贤”的称号,被誉为新一代青春女神。   ·影片上映前韩佳人主演的电视剧《拥抱太阳的月亮》正在热播,创下了极好的收视率,这也让韩佳人的新作备受关注。 Architecture.101.2012.BluRay.720p.x264.AC3-CnSCG Release Date......: 2013/04/20 Theatre Date......: 2012 IMDB Url..........: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2337981 IMDB Rating.......: 7.0/10 (667 votes) Genre.............: Romance Source............: Architecture 101 2012 Blu-Ray 1080p AVC DTS-HDMA 2.0-TTG Video Bitrate.....: x264 L4.1 High @ 3245 kbps Frame Rate........: 23.976 fps Audio1............: Korean DD 2.0 @ 448 kbps Runtime...........: 01:56:21 (h:m:s) Aspect Ratio......: 1.778 : 1 Resolution........: 1280 x 720 Subtitles.........: Chs File Size.........: 3.00 GB Encoder...........: itachiu@CnSCG x264 [info]: frame I:1347Avg QP:13.93size:141152 x264 [info]: frame P:32161 Avg QP:16.34size: 49061 x264 [info]: frame B:133887 Avg QP:19.71size:7931 复制代码
03/29 20:19 movie
[破冰之旅/北极熊心(IMAX示范级画质)]Imax.To.The.Arctic.2012.Bluray.720p.2.5G [破冰之旅/北极熊心(IMAX示范级画质)]Imax.To.The.Arctic.2012.Bluray.720p.2.5G 【译  名】To the Arctic 3D 【片  名】破冰之旅/北极熊心/ 到北极去 【上映日期】2012年4月20日 美国 【年  代】2012 【国  家】美国 【类  别】纪录片 【IMDB评分】5.4/10 (329 users) 【片  长】40分钟 【导  演】格雷格·麦克吉利弗雷 Greg MacGillivray 【主  演】梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 【内容简介】 《北极》是一部IMAX3D 纪录片,由IMAX公司、迈克沃瑞·弗里曼巨幕电影公司、华纳兄弟影片公司联合制作。影片由美国著名纪录片导演格雷戈·迈吉里弗雷执导,奥斯卡影后梅里尔·斯特里普为其叙述旁白,奥斯卡金像奖保罗·麦卡特尼为其操刀配乐,制作阵容可谓十分强大。   在超过4年的时间里,导演格雷戈·迈吉里弗雷带领着他的电影制作小组分7次来到了北极,共计用了8个月的时间不断地挖掘和拍摄了大量来自于冰面和海洋的故事。导演格雷戈·迈吉里弗雷用3D摄像机捕捉到了那些在别人看来根本就不可能实现的内容或主题,将那些人力不可及的自然环境全部以栩栩如生的方式展现在观众面前,把北极广阔的冰河、雄伟的冰川、宏伟壮观的瀑布、庄严肃穆的雪山还有北极熊母子之间的深切爱意展露无遗,呈现给观众惊心动魄的极地影像奇观。   在IMAX3D影像呈现下,观众可以释放全身的感官去张开想象力的翅膀,近距离地观察北极熊艰苦求生的生命史诗,一起领略北极震撼的自然风光。观众可以和海狮一起站在苍茫的雪原上吹凛冽的寒风,和北极熊妈妈一起在幽蓝的海水中潜游,和海鸟一起翱翔在雄伟的雪山之巅,和熊宝宝一起在巨大的冰川上看绚丽无比的北极光……一切都如身临其境。 《到北极去》是一次驶向世界尽头的旅程,一个关于生存的终极叙事。 电影将带领观众,同一只母北极熊和她的两只七个月大的幼熊一起,穿越在极地的茫茫冰原中。这片冰原,就是它们眼中的家。无论是在消融的冰原上,在巨大的冰山下,还是在宏伟的瀑布前,巨大的雪峰顶,扣人心弦的影像让观众近距离的观察北极熊艰苦求生的生命史诗。 【电影相关】 《到北极去》是一部IMAX3D 纪录片,由美国著名纪录片导演格雷格·麦克吉利弗雷执导,奥斯卡影后梅丽尔·斯特里普为其叙述旁白,奥斯卡金像奖保罗·麦卡特尼为其操刀配乐,制作阵容十分强大。 由IMAX公司精心打造的IMAX 3D纪录片《到北极去》请来了两届奥斯卡影后获得者梅丽尔·斯特里普担当旁白。梅姨沉稳的嗓音与影片大气的气质相得益彰。 极少人曾踏足过北极圈。不过很快,全世界的人们将能够感觉到他们似乎真去北极旅行了一般。这部新的电影《To the Arctic》(《破冰之旅》)向我们展示了那片荒茫的地区和生活在那里的生物,特别是北极熊的生活环境。故事由芭芭拉·克莱因来告诉我们。 这部时长45分钟的电影《To the Arctic》(《破冰之旅》)耗时8个月摄制完成,拍摄跨度长达4年。这部电影的导演是Greg MacGillivray。他和弟弟Shaun共同制作了这部电影。这部电影是为在IMAX的大屏幕上放映而制作的。《破冰之旅》也是一部3D电影,或称为三维立体电影,这会让观影者有身临其境的感觉。 《到北极去》堪比好莱坞大片 IMAX原创记录片,一直是IMAX品牌的创意之源。每年,IMAX公司都会选择知名导演和制片人合作,选择用IMAX3D摄影机拍摄一部长度约在 40分钟的纪录片。内容涉及天文地理、环境及动物保护、生命科学和外太空探险等各个方面。 在超过4年的时间里,导演格雷格·麦克吉利弗雷带领着他的电影制作小组分7次来到了北极,共计用了8个月的时间不断地挖掘和拍摄了大量来自于冰面和海洋的故事。导演格雷格·麦克吉利弗雷用3D摄像机捕捉到了那些人力不可及的自然环境,将之以栩栩如生地展现在观众面前,把北极广阔的冰河、雄伟的冰川、宏伟壮观的瀑布、庄严肃穆的雪山还有北极熊母子之间的深切爱意展露无遗,呈现给观众惊心动魄的极地影像奇观。 [code]Imax.To.The.Arctic.2012.Bluray.720p.DTS.x264-CHD RELEASE DATE....: 03/24/2013 THEATRE DATE....: 2012 iMDB RATiNG.....: 5.4/10 (329 users) GENRE...........: Documentary SOURCE .........: IMAX - To the Arctic 2012 1080p 3D Blu-ray AVC DTS-HD MA 5.1-3DT ViDEO BiTRATE...: x264 L4.1 High @ 7500Kbps FRAME RATE......: 23.976 fps AUDiO1 ..........: ENG DTS 5.1CH 1510Kbps RUNTiME.........: 00:40:25 (h:m:s) ASPECT RATiO....: 1.778 : 1 RESOLUTiON......: 1280*720 SUBTiTLES.......: N/A FilE SiZE.......: 2.54 GB ENCODER.........: AsiaFalcon @ CHD[/code] [code] 郑重声明: 本站提供的所有影视作品均是在网上搜集任何涉及商业盈利目的均不得使用, 否则产生的一切后果将由您自己承担!本站将不对本站的任何内容负任何法律责任! 该下载内容仅做宽带测试使用,请在下载后24小时内删除。请购买正版! [/code] 破冰之旅中文字幕下载: http://www.y4dg.com/thread-133575-1-1.html
03/29 16:51 movie
[恐龙大迁徙]March.Of.The.Dinosaurs.2011.720p.BluRay.X264-7SinS[无字幕/3.27G] ◎译  名  恐龙大迁徙/恐龙的行军 ◎片  名  March of the Dinosaurs ◎年  代  2011 ◎国  家  英国 ◎类  别  纪录片/动画/剧情 ◎语  言   英语 ◎字  幕   英文 ◎IMDB评分 6.9/10 (27 votes) ◎IMDB链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1737591/ ◎文件格式  X264 + DTS ◎视频尺寸  1280 x 544 ◎文件大小  1CD 3.27GB ◎片  长  1hr 29min ◎导  演  Matthew Thompson ◎主  演  Stephen Fry ... Narrator ◎简  介 这是一部关于恐龙的科教记录片, 北极:70万年前。一个极端的世界。夏季的阳光变成了24小時严寒的夜晚。恐龙们不得不做出选择,勇敢的向南迁徙以寻找阳光。一段充满了暴风雪,火山爆发和致命狩猎者的危险旅程,一个年轻的埃德蒙頓龙开始了他的第一个千里迁移. 片中令人惊叹的CG动画和精心构建的数码世界,可以說是真正的恐龙电影演变,令人震撼.   The Arctic: 70 million years ago. It is a world of extremes. Tropical summers of 24hr sunlight are replaced by freezing winters of continuous night. The remarkable dinosaurs that lived under the Northern Lights had to make a choice, brave the winter or head south to find the sun.   Join Scar, a young Edmontosaurus embarking on his first thousand-mile migration. It is a journey for survival that is fraught with danger; blizzards, volcanic eruptions and deadly predators lie ahead. Meanwhile Patch, a juvenile Troodon, left alone in the North, must learn to survive in one of the harshest environments the Earth has ever known.   This epic feature-length adventure portrays an incredible polar odyssey that actually happened but has never been witnessed before. Based on recent fossil evidence blasted out of the ice around the North Pole, the makers of ''Walking with Dinosaurs'' and ''Prehistoric Park'' are delighted to introduce you to an all-new cast of dinosaurs, from feathered tyrannosaurs to giant marine predators. Featuring stunning animation and a painstakingly recreated digital world, it can truly be said that the dinosaur film has evolved.
03/29 16:48 movie
Miyavi - This iz The Japanese Kabuki Rock 19 March 2008 In 1999 I was a fan of the visual-kei band Dué le Quartz, who completed their line-up that year when Miyavi replaced the existing guitarist. The band did not last long. Dué le Quartz broke up in 2002. The reason seemed to be internal conflict over the band’s musical direction, which lead to bassist Kikasa leaving, and that was the end of Dué le Quartz. Miyavi—under the name Miyabi at the time—was beginning to create solo work in 2002 prior to the break up. He quickly signed with a record label and released his debut album, Gagaku, a mere forty-one days after Dué le Quartz’s final concert.Miyavi has proven himself to be a top-quality talent in the decade since his solo debut. His early music was reminiscent of his work with Dué le Quartz, but he soon began incorporating elements of pop, electronic, and aucoustic guitar into his songs. He maintained the visual-kei look for years but showed more musical variety than his contemporary visual-kei peers.You can find some of his other albums here on NyaaTorrents. I strongly recommend Live in London 2011 and Samurai Sessions Vol. 1. I decided to upload This iz The Japanese Kabuki Rock because it showcases the variety in Miyavi’s talents as both a song-writter, guitarist, and vocalist. And yeah, that is the spelling of the album on the title, heh.As always, enjoy the music!Note: I am going to be offline for a couple of hours soon after uploading this, traveling out of town for business. So my apologies to the initial leechers for any delay that may cause.
03/18 11:41 anime
m-flo - Neven 13 March 2013 I have said before that I started uploading one album a day with the intent of introducing people to both older albums and Japanese artists they may not have ever heard of. So this upload is a rare change of form, the first time I’ve uploaded something which came out this year. I was simply surprised to see it was not available here. I’m about to go into one of my common long-winded rants, so the ‘TL;DR’ version is this: m-flo is awesome and so is this album.Often I like to provide some biography for the artist whose music I’m uploading, but m-flo is one of the most successful Japanese hip-hop groups in history. I’ll assume most of you have some idea of who they are—not that it will prevent me from rambling on about them. But what I’d like to try and do is frame the album Neven from the view of a fan who has followed their career from the start and how it stacks up against their previous albums.The first, immediately noticeable aspect of Neven is how it continues to carry on traces of Planet Shining, m-flo’s debut album from 2000. m-flo was undeniably a different group then. They were a trio: emcee Verbal Young-Ki Yu, DJ Taku Takahashi, and Elisabeth Sakura Narita, better known as Lisa. The music of Planet Shining reflected their mixture of abrasive urban sounds and soulful youth. The bright-red, photo negative album cover featuring the three members sitting among a faceless crowd makes a visually blunt statement: this was three people who were dead-set on doing their own thing in a country where conformity is the norm. But where’s the connection to Neven? You can hear it in the first ten seconds of both: the albums open with prologue of female narration that leads into the second track, and both albums have short tracks of dialogue laced throughout. The sonic nature of Planet Shining sounds a world apart from the house music of Neven but the both share an atmospheric structure built by the weaving narration.m-flo’s second album, Expo Expo, came a year later in 2001 and shared a similar structure. It is notable for showing the earliest signs of m-flo moving in the direction of the house/club music style of Neven, but also because it would be their last album as a trio. Lisa left the group on bad terms and began her solo career. Fortunately though they would reconcile later and begin collaborating again, but m-flo has remained a duo of Verbal and Taku ever since.Lisa’s departure triggered m-flo’s series of collaborations with other Japanese musicians: BoA, Bonnie Pink, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Crystal Kay, Bennie K, Miliyah Katoh, Emi Hinouchi, Akiko Wada, Ryohei Yamamoto, Sowelu, Diggy-mo, Yoshika, Namie Amuro—between 2003 and 2009 m-flo worked with more guest vocalists on their albums than I can name. This proclivity to bring in a plethora of vocalists continues with Neven, albeit with one interesting difference that I will mention later. Neven features:* Miliyah Kato* Minmi* Minami* Matt Cab* Kiko Mizuhara* UnicoThe last two make their debut on Neven actually. The difference I mentioned is that Neven does not explicitly mention the vocalists in the song titles. This is only the second time m-flo has omitted that information from the track titles; the first time was their 2012 album Square One. That album came at the end of a five year hiatus during which Verbal and Taku worked on solo projects. To be completely honest, I felt like Square One was disappointing. Verbal and Taku admitted that they were still somewhat in the mindset of being solo artists when creating the album, and there is a lack of overall cohesion that I find in their previous albums. Neven does not suffer from this problem. It’s release came so soon after Square One because the Verbal and Taku had rediscovered their ‘zone’ as a duo and were able to compose and create music with the pace and focus you see in albums like 2004’s Astromantic and 2005’s Beat Space Nine. In fact, m-flo was writing some songs for Neven just prior to the release of Square One.This all leads to Neven, their seventh album referenced by the name, having the sonic focus of older albums like Beat Space Nine mixed with the atmospheric structure of Planet Shining and the effective collaboration of Astromantic. Personally I think it’s a terrific album, but I admit to being biased as I love m-flo.Sorry for the lengthy rambling and ranting, as well as the later than usual upload. I hope you like Neven. And tomorrow I have two albums ready to upload instead of just one, for a reason I’ll explain then. Until then, as always, enjoy!
03/18 11:20 anime
sleepy.ab - archive 6 February 2008 Despite the way it’s written, the post-rock band ‘sleepy.ab’ pronounces their name simply as ‘sleepy’. The ‘ab’ tacked on to the end is short for ‘abstract’, the implication being that it characterizes their shoegaze style of music. And it’s accurate. Their rock is not the kind that attempts to blow out your speakers and your ear-drums. There’s no slamming drum solos or thrashing guitar distortion. Instead sleepy.ab gradually builds on the melody of each song slowly and methodically, adding layer after layer, weaving them in between Tsuyoshi Nariyama’s soft vocals. Personally, sleepy.ab reminds me of the Feather Side, although sleepy.ab leans more towards a drifting, ethereal, “wait—how long have I been listening to this?” kind of sound.Also like the Feather Side, sleepy.ab makes some long songs. And archive is a great example of that. No song is shorter than five minutes, and including the two bonus live recordings the twelve-track album runs for ninety-two minutes. More than once you may think the album has changed tracks only to look and see that, no, actually you’re listening to a nine-minute song that has a brief pause. However, this expansive length suits sleepy.ab perfectly. Listeners who enjoy their wandering, self-exploratory ambient rock will find that it can distort one’s sense of time. By the time you finish archive there’s equal chances you could think forty minutes have passed or three hours, and be happy in either case.Existing fans of sleepy.ab will notice that archive contains some of their older songs such as ‘Scene’ and ‘inside’. These are ‘new takes’, as the album itself describes them. For those of you who have never heard sleepy.ab before, this is a great album to start with in my opinion.In either case, I hope you enjoy the album! Feedback and requests always welcome, of course.And yes, I realize in retrospect my attempt to describe the album reads like nonsense from an emo-teen’s LiveJournal account from 2002.
03/18 11:16 jusan
FULLARMOR - Cataract 19 March 2008 FULLARMOR is band with an impressive pedigree. First there is vocalist, guitarist, and keyboard player Atsushi Horie. He also performs all three of those roles in the band STRAIGHTENER. And on top of that he even has a solo project: ent. Atsushi Horie, under the guise of ent, created the soundtrack for the 2010 film Solanin, based on the manga of the same name.Next in FULLARMOR is bass player Hinatch. He is another STRAIGHTENER member and spends time touring and recording with Zazen Boys.And finally there is Only, the oddly-named drummer. Like Horie and Hinatch, FULLARMOR is not Onlys sole project. Youll also find him contributing to the funk sounds of the Zoobombs, a Tokyo band formed in 1994 whos spent much more time touring throughout North America than most.Groups like FULLARMOR, made up entirely of musicians from other bands, tend to create music that sounds experimental when placed side-by-side with their normal work. The twenty-six minute mostly instrumental Cataract is full of such experiments and genre juxtapositions. It is brief but compelling proof that FULLARMOR is eccentric, unconventional, and most importantly, just flat-out entertaining. Every member brings so much variety to the table that you may not enjoy every song, but youre almost certain to hear something you like. Such is the wide scope of their trek through various genres.
03/18 11:08 one_piece (讨论)