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中文名称:越狱 第三季 英文名称:Prison Break Season 3 首播时间:2007年09月18日 播出时间:中国时间每周2早上9点30 演员:Wentworth Miller as 迈克尔·斯科菲尔德    Dominic Purcell as 林肯·布伦斯    Robin Tunney as 维罗妮卡·多诺万    Amaury Nolasco as 苏克雷·费尔南多    Wade Williams as Captain Brad Bellick    Peter Stormare as 约翰 阿布鲁奇    Paul Adelstein as 保罗 克里曼    Robert Knepper as 帝博格    Marshall Allman as LJ    Sarah Wayne Callies as 唐克雷蒂 ·莎拉 地区:美国 语言:英语 字幕:暂无, 敬请期待YDY出品中文字幕 发布网站: http://bbs.wofei.net Michael 这次与“神经病”结盟? 没有事先一系列的精心准备,更没有文身密码图,Michael如何能逃出生天呢?幸好,他不是一个人在战斗。除了在监狱外哥哥Lincoln会竭尽全力,还有新增的狱友Mahone,神经质的Mahone和潜在抑郁症的Michael,两个超级聪明,但又是仇人的人一起在巴拿马的监狱,然后一起越狱,有看头呀!剧迷已经开始期待新的Michael与Mahone二人组。 入狱是公司圈套? 一直迫害Michael 兄弟的神秘公司的势力将延伸到巴拿马。Michael还没有被投进巴拿马监狱之前,公司幕后的那个老头,就在和手下的对话中数次提到了Sona这个词。就此,剧迷们大胆推测,Michael被关进监狱其实正是公司设计的圈套,这里关押着公司感兴趣的人,他们要利用Michael的越狱智慧,希望借助他的力量协助此人越狱,当然Michael也能因此得到他急切需要的东西———美国ZF的赦免。 Michael 有情人难成眷属? 除了越狱这条线索,Michael和Sara能否终成眷属也牵动剧迷。由于Sara的扮演者有孕在身,婴儿预计在今年暑假出世,很多剧迷都担心她未必赶得及参加拍摄第3季。不过,该剧制片人也透露,今年秋天,将有一个重要主演归队,剧迷只能祈祷这个主演就是Sara。不过美国电视剧不乏这样的先例,因为没有续签合约,演员退出剧组,其所扮演的人物从此消失,究竟这种的事情会不会发生在萨拉身上,现在还难下结论。另据制片方透露,新季中加入另一女主角 Betty,此女的智商绝对不下于Michael,还有机会跟Lincoln发展感情。 兄弟谁先死? Lincoln和Michael这对兄弟将只能存活一人,另外一个将在第3季中死去。如果这一消息属实,无疑将比Michael和Sara的恋情中断更让人难以接受。公司在第2季已经埋下伏笔,Michael兄弟他们只会留下一人性命。如果 Michael最后死了,那么越狱将在第3季终结,而如果 Lincoln死了,那么Michael与公司抗争的意义又何在?你还会像以前一样喜欢看《越狱》吗?
07/06 23:48 美剧更新员
Worlds End Girlfriend and MONO - Palmless Prayer/Mass Murder Refrain 12 September 2006 This is the same album as from #244797 but mine is a different, lossy rip. I’ve been listening to it lately and felt like it was worth re-sharing.Palmless Prayer/Mass Murder Refrain is an uncharateristic Japanese album. To be more accurate, it is an interesting song, which happens to run for a full seventy-four minutes across five tracks—no titles, only numbered tracks. The album is a collaboration between World’s End Girlfriend Katsuhiko Maeda and MONO a four-member band. Both focus on instrumental music, with occasional vocals here and there; but those vocals are always either a brief chorus e.g. near the middle of this album or they’re samples from various sources e.g. ‘Give My Shadow, Put On My Crown’ from The Lie Lay Land by World’s End Girlfriend. MONO places more emphasis on instrumental rock while World’s End Girlfriend is more ambient and electronic, and at times chaotic in structure.Both artists play to their instrumental strengths on Palmless Prayer/Mass Murder Refrain, but the result is an album with an atypical atmosphere for either. The song, by which I mean the entire CD, is a slowly measured orchestral performance, replete with recurring motifs and a classical crescendo the develops over the initial forty-five minutes or so. In my experience, it is rare to hear an album with such a measured, unhurried structer. And on top of that, I cannot name another Japanese album which directs all of its efforts into a single, uninterrupted composition. This alone makes Palmless Prayer/Mass Murder Refrain a peculiar piece of work. But it’s one that I believe some people will like, assuming they listen to the album as a whole from beginning to end, since skiping any track undermines the entire foundation.It’s a strange album. But I enjoy it a lot and hope you will as well!Note: Every other album by World’s End Girlfriend is available via #495575 but keep in mind Palmless Prayer/Mass Murder Refain is not representative of the artist’s other music.
07/06 15:47 naruto