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[얼티메이트] [131225] 原由実 1stアルバム「Place of my life」320K 原由実 1stアルバム「Place of my life」発売日 : 2013/12/25商品番号 : FVCG-1283JAN : 4582325373268メディア CD組枚数 2[内容紹介]TVアニメ『黄昏乙女×アムネジア』ヒロインの庚夕子役などで人気急上昇中! 原由実、待望の1stアルバム! アルバム用の新曲3曲に加え、CD未収録曲を1曲、ボーナストラックに1stシングル「HANABI」ソロバージョンを収録した豪華全13曲入り。原由実フォト満載の豪華ブックレット封入。撮り下ろしオリジナルフォトジャケット仕様。 数量限定盤のBlu-rayには、原由実出演の「HANABI feat.今井麻美 Short ver.」「蛍火 Short ver.」「intention」Music Clipの他、新曲Music Clip&メイキング映像を初収録。収録曲01. Place of my life02. Blue Moon PS3&Xbox 360ソフト「ファントムブレイカー:エクストラ」OPテーマ03. 風のオーケストラ04. 蛍火 OVA「コープスパーティー Tortured Souls -暴虐された魂の呪叫-」EDテーマ05. HANABI feat.今井麻美 PSPソフト「コープスパーティー -THE ANTHOLOGY- サチコの恋愛遊戯Hysteric Birthday 2U」EDテーマ06. Spiral Moment07. 天ノ紅08. Lights in the sky PS3ソフト「英雄*戦姫」EDテーマ09. intention 小説「オーバーロード4 蜥蜴人の勇者たち」ドラマCD主題歌10. splash mind11. Snow Drops12. あふれる想い WEBラジオ「原由実の○○ラジオ」OPテーマ13. HANABI -Solo Ver.- Bonus TrackDDL : http://pan.baidu.com/s/1i3mglJv Password : a4vhMagnet
03/18 11:38 bleach (讨论)
[얼티메이트] [131027] PCゲーム「執事が姫を選ぶとき」PeasSoft OPテーマ -「Eternal Fidelity」320K+BK PCゲーム「執事が姫を選ぶとき」PeasSoft OPテーマ -「Eternal Fidelity」発売日 : 2013/10/27商品番号 : KRII-0003タイトル : RDD/Eternal Fidelityサークル : KRASTERII 主な作家 : 羽丘淳, Ne;on, 小鳥遊まこ[内容紹介]サークル【KRASTERII】の贈る新作『RDD / EternalFidelity』がとらのあなに登場!様々な作品への楽曲提供を行っている【KRASTERII】。今回贈るのはPCゲーム『執事が姫を選ぶとき』のOP主題歌!遂にCD化した本作には、このCDでしか聴けないリアレンジ版や完全描き下ろし新曲を収録で、ファンならば必携の内容となっています♪サークル【KRASTERII】の公式ページはコチラ!収録曲01. RDD歌 : Ne;on / 作詞, 作曲, 編曲 : 羽丘淳02. Eternal Fidelity PCゲーム「執事が姫を選ぶとき」PeasSoft OPテーマ歌 : 小鳥遊まこ / 作詞 : Ne;on / 作曲, 編曲 : 羽丘淳03. Eternal Fidelity Hilarious Mix歌 : Ne;on / 作詞 : Ne;on / 作曲, 編曲 : 羽丘淳04. HandlessGirl歌 : Ne;on / 作詞, 作曲, 編曲 : 羽丘淳05. RDD -Inst-06. Eternal Fidelity -Inst-07. Eternal Fidelity Hilarious Mix -Inst-08. HandlessGirl -Inst-DDL : http://pan.baidu.com/s/1zkZdf Password : xr05Magnet
03/18 11:33 jusan (讨论)
Micro of Def Tech - Laid Back 8 August 2007 Def Tech is the duo of Micro Yuuki Nishimiya and Shen Shenan Brown. They first met during one of Shen’s many trips to from Hawaii to Japan; his father is English-Japanese linguist James Dean Brown, author of “Understanding Research in Second Language Learning” 1988 and professor at the University of Hawaii, which I’m just mentioning because I think that book is worth reading if you’re interested in linguistics. Anyways—the important aspect of these circumstances is that Shen and Micro hit it off quickly, sharing interests not only in music but in the surfer culture in general. They officially debuted in 2005 with a reggae sound that borrowed from both Japanese and Hawaiian cultures.Their eponymous Def Tech album, released in January of 2005, was an immediate and surprising success. It sold nearly two million copies and spent time at the top of the Oricon charts. In June they released the E.P. Lokahi Lani, setting a new sales record for an indie label along the way. Def Tech was getting lots of air time on radio stations. They had a number of commercial tie-ins. Their 2006 album Catch the Wave provided the title track for a Japanese film of the same name, in which Micro has a cameo as a surfer. Def Tech was selling out concerts with their energetic performances. They were winning awards for their singles, their music videos, and more.And then in 2007 Def Tech suddenly broke up. The official reason given was that they disagreed about the musical direction of the group. One month prior to their break-up Micro released Laid Back, technically a solo album but one which featured contributions from a variety of artists. Def Tech’s disbandment quickly painted Laid Back in a different light; it originally appeared as a semi-experimental solo album from half a duo, something that is not rare enough to be an instant warning siren. But when Def Tech announced their split almost one month to the day after the release of Laid Back it became easy to look back at the album, the large number of collaborations it features, and realize that it was likely the fruit of a splintering seed that appeared within Def Tech months prior.The music of Laid Back is entirely appropriate for its title, and not significantly different from anything Def Tech created as a duo. As a whole it is slower in tempo and there is a small but noticeable tinge of emphasis on Japanese reggae and rap. Which was no surprise, as Micro was the half of Def Tech that brought those elements to the table. That said, Laid Back is an enjoyable solo endeavor.Def Tech would reunite three years later and remains active, making this album a rare break from the norm for either artist.
03/18 11:21 jusan