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Metis - One Love 15 August 2007 Metis is female Japanese reggae singer and musician. However, she first appeared as an R&B artist in 2003 and would release two indie albums in three years: ANSWER and MUSIC, which in 2009 were re-released as a two-disc combination. In 2006 Metis signed with the label Nippon Crown. This is when her music made a decisive shift in the direction of reggae. I don’t know how much of that change to attribute to Nippon Crown—who primarily works with J-Pop artists—or by Metis herself, who thoroughly embraced the new reggae direction regardless. Metis released three albums while at Nippon Crown:1. One Love2. One Heart3. One SoulThe latter two are available via existing torrents here. So I am just filling out the trio by providing the first album.Of the three I would say that One Love is the most reggae-influenced. Metis’ origins with R&B did not simply vanish. They gradually reappeared in her music as time went on, very similar to lecca in that respect. In fact, even on One Love you can hear some of the R&B influence.Metis’ uncommonly deep vocals and her talents as a musician, particularly on the saxophone, put her in an unmistakable and most importantly entertaining position in Japanese music. In 2009 she signed with Island Records Japan but continues to create the same overall flavor of music: a modern Japanese reggae that blends with R&B, perhaps more at a lyrically level than anything else.I hope you enjoy the album, and as always I welcome any requests! I sure as Hell don’t own everything, heh, but I have a substantial collection of Japanese music from 1997–2008. So if there’s any album from that time frame you want but can’t find leave me a comment and I’ll try to get it for you.Enjoy!
03/18 11:15 naruto
[130726][ONE PIECE BGM BEST SELECTION&新曲BGM集&トラファルガー・ロー キャラクターソング][320K+BK] 発売日:2013年7月26日¥10,500 税込特製スリーブ仕様、解説ブックレット(16P)ワンピースBGM集&トラファルガー・ロー(神谷浩史)キャラクターソング収録シャボンディ諸島上陸からルーキーたちとの出会いまでを収録DVD×3枚(全10話)CD×1枚AVBA-62362~4/Bルフィたちの冒険をエピソード毎に収録したDVDシリーズ! ついにシャボンディ諸島上陸!! スペシャルCDも付いて登場!!!DISC 4(CD)ワンピースBGM集&トラファルガー・ロー(神谷浩史)キャラクターソング 収録収録曲01. 出発02. 金の冠はある!03. 黒ひげ海賊団の猛襲04. 迫り来る敵?05. 生きていればこそ06. 登れ07. オレもついてるしな!08. 火を噴く水上バトル!!09. ドロボウ兄弟登場10. 怒りのベアキング11. 名人ウソップ!?12. ルール無用の海賊猛レース13. サンジ大ピンチ!14. 巨大要塞、発進!!15. 3つの塔16. ゴーイングメリー号、飛ぶ!!17. 激闘!ゾロ&サンジ18. 三刀流龍巻き!19. 炸裂!サンジの連続蹴り!20. 大暴れ!ゾロ&フランキー21. ブルックの戦闘A22. ルフィ登場!23. 大ゲンカ!24. ルフィ猛攻!25. おれはお前を越えて行く!!26. いつか、海に出ろ27. 謎は口を開けた28. 勝利の雄叫び ~島は海へ 人は空へ~29. アイキャッチ ~新世界ver~30. 新生!麦わらの一味31. 海侠のジンベエ32. 新世界へ!!33. 死の外科医34. "M"の冷笑35. 過去への思い36. 強敵出現37. 約束の時38. 達人の意気39. 柔力強化!40. 男の戦い41. 行け行け!麦わらの一味!!42. ウィーゴー! ~ピアノver~43. 次回予告 ~ウィーゴー!ver~44. Dr.Heart Stealer作詞:藤林聖子 作曲:田中公平 編曲:岩崎文紀 歌:トラファルガー・ロー(神谷浩史)ONE PIECE BGM BEST SELECTION 1~28新曲BGM 29~43作・編曲:田中公平 2~6,8~11,13,18,19,21,25~27,31~35,37,38,40,41作曲:田中公平 編曲:浜口史郎 1,22 作曲:田中公平 編曲:井内啓二 29,42,43作・編曲:浜口史郎 12,15~17,20,23,24,28,36,39作・編曲:澤口和彦 7 作・編曲:岩崎文紀 14 作・編曲:井内啓二 30
03/18 11:10 bleach