旋风动漫BT资源发布索引 | 汇聚动漫BT/ED资源
[얼티메이트] [131002] THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA MASTER Passion jewelries! 001/城ヶ崎莉嘉CV.山本希望、諸星きらりCV.松嵜麗、城ヶ崎美嘉CV.佳村はるか、本田未央CV.原紗友里、赤城みりあCV.黒沢ともよ 320K THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA MASTER Passion jewelries! 001発売日 : 2013/10/02商品番号 : COCX-38252JAN : 4988001752479メディア CD組枚数 1[内容紹介]登録者数350万人を超える大人気ソーシャルゲーム「アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ」より、属性別の新シリーズの発売が決定 ! 2012年より発売となったキャラクターソングのCDシリーズは第4弾、全20タイトルをリリースし、その全てがオリコンウィークリーランキングTOP15位内にランクイン。さらに第1弾と第3弾においては5作同時ランクインを果たした話題作の新シリーズ !! 今作は、「CINDERELLA MASTER」第4弾までのアイドルの中から属性3種、Cool、Passion 、Cuteのそれぞれのアイドルをセレクトしたミニ・アルバム ! ■ 本田未央 CV: 原紗友里、諸星きらり CV: 松嵜麗、赤城みりあ CV: 黒沢ともよ、城ケ崎莉嘉 CV: 山本希望、城ケ崎美嘉 CV: 佳村はるか収録曲01. Orange Sapphire歌 : 城ヶ崎莉嘉CV.山本希望、諸星きらりCV.松嵜麗、城ヶ崎美嘉CV.佳村はるか、本田未央CV.原紗友里、赤城みりあCV.黒沢ともよ02. 学園天国歌 : 諸星きらりCV.松嵜麗03. LOVE&JOY歌 : 城ヶ崎莉嘉CV.山本希望04. 日曜日はダメダメよ歌 : 城ヶ崎美嘉CV.佳村はるか05. はじめてのチュウ歌 : 赤城みりあCV.黒沢ともよ06. ラブリー歌 : 本田未央CV.原紗友里07. ススメ☆オトメ ~jewel parade~歌 : 城ヶ崎莉嘉CV.山本希望、諸星きらりCV.松嵜麗、城ヶ崎美嘉CV.佳村はるか、本田未央CV.原紗友里、赤城みりあCV.黒沢ともよ08. ボーナスドラマ・パッションな収録後09. Orange Sapphire オリジナル・カラオケ歌、トーク : 城ヶ崎莉嘉CV.山本希望、諸星きらりCV.松嵜麗、城ヶ崎美嘉CV.佳村はるか、本田未央CV.原紗友里、赤城みりあCV.黒沢ともよDDL : http://pan.baidu.com/s/1ijLoH Password : 9yj7Magnet
03/18 11:18 jusan (讨论)
[얼티메이트] [120314] TVアニメ「IS<インフィニット・ストラトス>IS Infinite Stratos」Vocal Collection Album/栗林みな実、日笠陽子、ゆかな、下田麻美、花澤香菜、井上麻里奈 320K+BK TVアニメ「IS<インフィニット・ストラトス>」Vocal Collection Album発売日 : 2012/03/14商品番号 : LACA-15195JAN : 4540774151950メディア CD組枚数 1[内容紹介]TVアニメ『IS〈インフィニット・ストラトス〉』のボーカルアルバムがいよいよ発売! ヒット曲のOP&ED主題歌はもちろん、DVDの特典CDに収録されていたヒロインたちのキャラクターソングを収録。さらに、このアルバムのためのキャラクターソングも新規収録! アニメキャラクターデザインの倉嶋丈康氏による描き下ろしジャケット予定。収録曲01. STRAIGHT JET歌 : 栗林みな実02. 紅く、紅く歌 : 篠ノ之箒CV.日笠陽子03. Noble Heart歌 : セシリア・オルコットCV.ゆかな04. 好吃スマイル◎歌 : 凰鈴音CV.下田麻美05. mon cherie, ma cherie歌 : シャルル・デュノアCV.花澤香菜06. An die Freude歌 : ラウラ・ボーデヴィッヒCV.井上麻里奈07. 強がりリグレット歌 : 篠ノ之箒CV.日笠陽子08. 恋をはじめましょう歌 : セシリア・オルコットCV.ゆかな09. たいむいずらぶ!歌 : 凰鈴音CV.下田麻美10. アリガト。だけじゃない歌 : シャルロット・デュノアCV.花澤香菜11. Change my mind歌 : ラウラ・ボーデヴィッヒCV.井上麻里奈12. ベストパートナー歌 : 篠ノ之箒CV.日笠陽子13. SUPER∞STREAM歌 : 篠ノ之箒CV.日笠陽子、セシリア・オルコットCV.ゆかな、凰鈴音CV.下田麻美、シャルル・デュノアCV.花澤香菜、ラウラ・ボーデヴィッヒCV.井上麻里奈DDL : http://pan.baidu.com/s/1oVz8W Password : l5miMagnet
03/18 11:18 jusan (讨论)
[얼티메이트] [130911] TVアニメ「犬とハサミは使いようInu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou」キャラクターミニアルバム「Shining!!」/秋月マキシCV.芹澤優 320K TVアニメ「犬とハサミは使いよう」キャラクターミニアルバム「Shining!!」/秋月マキシCV.芹澤優発売日 : 2013/09/11商品番号 : AVCA-62554JAN : 4988064625543メディア CD組枚数 2[内容紹介]2013年7月から放送の読書バカ犬とドS作家が繰り広げる痛快!不条理コメティ、TVアニメ『犬とハサミは使いよう』のキャラクターミニアルバム。ナルシストアイドル作家、秋月マキシCV:芹澤優。収録曲01. わんわんわんわんN_1!! マキシ Ver.作詞 : 畑亜貴 / 作曲・編曲 : 松田彬人 / 歌 : 秋月マキシCV.芹澤優02. レモネイドスキャンダル作詞 : こだまさおり / 作曲・編曲 : 松田彬人 / 歌 : 秋月マキシCV.芹澤優03. マジカル☆ラブ作詞 : 畑亜貴 / 作曲・編曲 : 松田彬人 / 歌 : 秋月マキシCV.芹澤優04. KIRA-KIRAしましょう?作詞 : 畑亜貴 / 作曲 : 酒井陽一 / 編曲 : 松田彬人 / 歌 : 秋月マキシCV.芹澤優05. outshine作詞 : 松井洋平 / 作曲 : 原田篤 / 編曲 : 酒井拓也 / 歌 : 秋月マキシCV.芹澤優06. レモネイドスキャンダル ウィズ メンインブラック作詞 : こだまさおり / 作曲・編曲 : 松田彬人 / 歌 : 秋月マキシCV.芹澤優、メンインブラック07. わんわんわんわんN_1!! マキシ Ver. Instrumental08. マジカル☆ラブ Instrumental09. KIRA-KIRAしましょう? Instrumental10. outshine Instrumental11. レモネイドスキャンダル ウィズ メンインブラック InstrumentalDDL : http://pan.baidu.com/s/17mqGh Password : 6dq4Magnet
03/18 11:18 jusan (讨论)
[KURAI-DOUMEI] Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-Bu 13 ~ OST OP+ED+SCANS [mp3, 320 kps] Yura Yamato vient tout juste dentrer dans lacadémie pour filles Stella lorsque Sonora Kashima linvite à se joindre à un club appelé "C3".Sonora, une élève de troisième année, est la présidente du C3-Bu, le club de jeux de survie, que les membres pratiquent avec des armes à air comprimé.Le reste du club comprend deux filles de deuxièmes années, Hatsuse Karila et Honoka Mutsu, ainsi que deux nouvelles premières années comme Yura, Rento Kirishima et Yachiyo Hinata.Ainsi, nous suivons le quotidien de ces étudiantes et amatrices de jeux de survie durant leur temps libre. Ce que Yura ignore cest quelles se passionnent pour toutes les armes à air comprimé et les jeux de survie et ne tardera pas à comprendre la signification du nom du club : Commande, Contrôle et Communication.Yura se demande si elle sera en mesure de sintégrer au sein du groupe tout en restant elle-même ?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Album #1 : Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - OP Single - Shape My StoryArtists/composers : Anna YanoGenre : OST AnimeRelease Date : 7 août 2013Published by : Pony Canyon / LZ LiveTuneAlbum size : 46.2 MbTracklist : 01 - Shape My Story : 02 - Too Much To Love : 03 - Shape My Story Instrumental : 04 - Too Much To Love Instrumental-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Album #2 : Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu - ED Single - Hajikero! C3!Artists/composers : Yui Makino, Miyuki Sawashiro, Ai Kayano, Chiwa Saito, Rima Nishizaki, Madoka YonezawaGenre : OST AnimeRelease Date : 7 août 2013Published by : Pony Canyon / LZ LiveTuneAlbum size : 36.5 MbTracklist : 01 - Hajikero! C3! : 02 - Zettai Koukou Debut Keikaku : 03 - Hajikero! C3! Instrumental : 04 - Zettai Koukou Debut Keikaku Instrumental-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03/18 11:17 jusan
Cibo Matto - Stereo ★ Type A 8 June 1999 I’ve seen people argue over whether or not Cibo Matto’s work qualifies as Japanese music, and personally I think it raises an interesting issue. What is the criteria for what constitutes Japanese music? Is the ethnicity of the musicians? If so, then Cibo Matto qualifies, beginning in 1994 as the pairing of Miho Hatori and Yuka Honda.What about albums recorded outside of Japan? Are they Japanese music? Cibo Matto recorded Stereo ★ Type A, and all of their music, in the United States. On top of that, they were always more successful outside of Japan than they were in the native country of the two formative musicians; despite releasing in my opinion a solid Shibuya-kei album during the height of the genre’s popularity. But if we are going to not count albums recorded outside of Japan then we would have to throw out great albums like Bonnie Pink’s Evil and Flowers,, recorded in Sweden, Yoko Kanno’s terrific soundtrack for the anime Macross Plus, recorded in Israel and the Czech Republic, and big chunks of Ryuichi Sakamoto’s discography.What about albums they don’t use the Japanese language? If they do not count as Japanese music then there is a long list of albums recorded in Japan that we have to toss out the window.NyaaTorrent’s rules on uploaded content are clear: “This site is for content that originates from and/or is specific to China, Japan, and/or Korea. Other content is not allowed without exceptions.” The fact that I am uploading the album indicates my personal opinion about Stereo ★ Type A. Not only are the founding artists from Japan, but the music leans heavily on the synth-pop-rock and Shibuya-kei styles of late 90’s Japan.I leave it to everyone else to judge for themselves. And most importantly, I hope you enjoy the album!
03/18 11:17 jusan
[Pandoratv-music] ドラえもん ツイン★ベスト Doraemon Twin Best 2CDs - COCX-36689-90 Have a good time ^^P.S 이 앨범 저 혼자만 간직하고 들을려고 했는데, 다운로드를 받고 싶으신 사람들은 많으신데 , 이 자료는 토렌트 화일 또는 mp3화일을 도저히 찾을 수 없더라고요.그래서 제가 한번 업로드 해봅니다 ^^저와 같이 즐겁게 들어요!COCX-33997도 소지하고 있는데 마음 생기면 이것도 업로드 해보겠습니다 ^^다운받아주신 모든 여러분 감사드립니다 ^^Direct Download Link 토렌트를 이용하지 않고 다운로드 받을 수 있는 주소 : Click Please ^^ 클릭하시면 다운로드가 진행 됩니다 ^^File lists2011年6月22日発売『ドラえもん ツイン★ベスト』COCX-36689-90 ¥3,150税込 【DISC-1】1.夢をかなえてドラえもん2.ドラえもん・七不思議~其の一~3.ドラえもん ひみつ道具の数えうた4.ドラえもん・えかきうた5.ドラミちゃんのえかきうた6.ドラえもん・七不思議~其の二~7.キミのなかののび太8.まんまる ボクがドラえもん9.のび太くん0点10.スネ夫のおぼっちゃマンボ11.おとなりのプリンセス12.そこのけ!ジャイアンさまだ13.夢をきかせて14.踊れ・どれ・ドラ ドラえもん音頭15.すすめ!ドラえもんマーチ16.ジャイアンにボエボエ17.青空っていいな18.ぽかぽかふわふわ19.ドラえもんの夢20.ハロー!ドラミちゃん【DISC-2】1.ドラえもんのうた2.青い空はポケットさ3.ドラえもん音頭4.ぼくドラえもん5.ワンパク三人組6.ドラドラどこかにドラえもん7.ぼくたち地球人8.四次元ポケット9.ドラえもん数えうた10.ドラえもんじゃあニィ11.すてきな一週間12.いいやつなんだよドラえもん13.ドラえもんしりとりうた14.ドラえもんにゅうイヤー15.サンタクロースはどこのひと16.ゾウさんの瞳はなぜ青い17.うきうきタイムトラベル18.ドラえもん子守唄19.ドラえもんマーチ20.まる顔のうた
03/18 11:17 jusan (讨论)
[얼티메이트] [130925] 桂ヒナギク starring 伊藤静 - HiNA3 Message 320K My Blog : http://ultimate17.blog.me/ | My Twitter : http://twitter.com/ultimate7777777Email : [email protected]桂ヒナギク starring 伊藤静 - HiNA3 Message発売日 : 2013/09/25商品番号 : GNCA-1723JAN : 4988102176976メディア CD組枚数 2[内容紹介]原作: 畑健二郎「ハヤテのごとく!」小学館「週刊少年サンデー」連載中。前作から2年・・・通算3枚目となるフルアルバム! 「ハヤテのごとく! Cuties」OPテーマ「春ULALA LOVEよ来い!!!」、EDテーマ「ダイキライは恋のはじまり」に加え新曲9曲を収録した全11曲のフルアルバム! 初回限定盤は新作PVを収録したBD付き。収録曲01. Message作詞 : 伊藤静 / 作曲 : 大森純 / 編曲 : 前口渉02. 春ULALA♥LOVEよ来い!!!作詞 : 六ツ見純代 / 作曲 : 渡辺和紀 / 編曲 : 増田武史03. Girls Power CARNIVAL!!作詞 : 六ツ見純代 / 作曲 : 大凪樹 / 編曲 : 佐々木裕04. 雨色笑顔作詞 : 六ツ見純代 / 作詞 : 大塚英光 / 編曲 : 渡辺拓也05. Good Morning作詞 : 春和文 / 作曲 : 森浩太 / 編曲 : 渡辺拓也06. 1ミリ作詞 : 春和文 / 作曲 : 中野ゆう / 編曲 : 佐々木裕07. ダイキライは恋のはじまり作詞 : くまのきよみ / 作曲 : 藤末樹 / 編曲 : 佐々木裕08. まっすぐな虹作詞 : くまのきよみ / 作曲 : 山田智和 / 編曲 : 増田武史09. また明日作詞 : 春和文 / 作曲 : 遠藤直弥 / 編曲 : 前嶋康明10. プラネタサイリユム作詞 : くまのきよみ / 作曲 : 白戸佑輔 / 編曲 : 前口渉11. Special Thanks -君へ-作詞・作曲 : 川崎里実 / 編曲 : 前口渉DDL : http://pan.baidu.com/s/13Oofy Password : fvc9Magnet
03/18 11:17 jusan (讨论)
sleepy.ab - archive 6 February 2008 Despite the way it’s written, the post-rock band ‘sleepy.ab’ pronounces their name simply as ‘sleepy’. The ‘ab’ tacked on to the end is short for ‘abstract’, the implication being that it characterizes their shoegaze style of music. And it’s accurate. Their rock is not the kind that attempts to blow out your speakers and your ear-drums. There’s no slamming drum solos or thrashing guitar distortion. Instead sleepy.ab gradually builds on the melody of each song slowly and methodically, adding layer after layer, weaving them in between Tsuyoshi Nariyama’s soft vocals. Personally, sleepy.ab reminds me of the Feather Side, although sleepy.ab leans more towards a drifting, ethereal, “wait—how long have I been listening to this?” kind of sound.Also like the Feather Side, sleepy.ab makes some long songs. And archive is a great example of that. No song is shorter than five minutes, and including the two bonus live recordings the twelve-track album runs for ninety-two minutes. More than once you may think the album has changed tracks only to look and see that, no, actually you’re listening to a nine-minute song that has a brief pause. However, this expansive length suits sleepy.ab perfectly. Listeners who enjoy their wandering, self-exploratory ambient rock will find that it can distort one’s sense of time. By the time you finish archive there’s equal chances you could think forty minutes have passed or three hours, and be happy in either case.Existing fans of sleepy.ab will notice that archive contains some of their older songs such as ‘Scene’ and ‘inside’. These are ‘new takes’, as the album itself describes them. For those of you who have never heard sleepy.ab before, this is a great album to start with in my opinion.In either case, I hope you enjoy the album! Feedback and requests always welcome, of course.And yes, I realize in retrospect my attempt to describe the album reads like nonsense from an emo-teen’s LiveJournal account from 2002.
03/18 11:16 jusan
Bennie K - Japana-rhythm 9 November 2005 Before deciding what to upload I always search NyaaTorrents to make sure I’m not about to upload a duplicate of something. So when I searched the audio section today for ‘bennie k’ I was honestly shocked that nothing came up. I know the urban-pop/rap hasn’t released any original material in four years, but I still thought some of their music would already be here. In fact, truthfully, I mistakeningly anticipated that most of their discography would already be here and I would upload something by another artist.Either I misjudged Bennie K’s popularity likely or I am out of touch with the tastes of most people incredibly likely, or both undeniable true. Whoops.For those unfamiliar with Bennie K, they are the duo of Yamamoto Yukiyo and Yamamoto Chieko—unrelated—better known as Yuki and Cico. Their formation resulted from a series of fortunate coincidences. Both had a passion for music from a young age and that would lead both of them to Los Angeles, California in 1999. Fourteen year-old Yuki was in the city studying dance and taking formal vocal lessons to improve her singing. The twenty-one year old Cico was in Los Angeles at the same time attempting to make a career for herself in rap and hip-hop music. Yuki just happened to be staying at the home of Cico’s aunt, where the two first met. The two quickly became close friends despite their age difference.In 2000 they returned to Japan separately, each intending to pursue a solo career. In December 2000 Yuki and Cico met each other again at a Christmas music festival. That is when they decided to form a duo, and they sealed their partnership in an interesting way. The two traveled together to Fushimi Inari Taisha, a famous shrine in Kyoto. Their they prayed for future success at the temple of Inari, a Shinto god associated with prosperity. On the way back they crossed the nearby Gojou Bridge, which is the center of a Japanese folk-tale that would give the duo their name. The story goes that the monk Benkei stood at Gojou Bridge and fought every swordsman that attempted to pass. Benkei defeated nine-hundred ninety-nine warriors. But his thousandth opponent, Ushiwakamaru, finally defeated Benkei. Humbled, Benkei joined Ushiwakamaru and the two warriors traveled together and had legendary success as a duo. This story inspired Yuki and Cico so much that they initially considered using the name ‘Benkei and Ushiwakamaru’, but ultimately they shortened it, turning the former name into ‘Bennie K’ also a reference to American musician Ben E. King.Bennie K signed with a label and released their first single in less than one month.However, they were not immediately successful. Early critics felt that Yuki was under-achieving as a vocalist and that their respective age difference would make it difficult to market the duo. Bennie K’s first two albums, Cube 2002 and Essence 2003, caused little fan-fare and were not major successes by any measure. But the following year was pivotal. Not only did their single Sunrise debut in the top ten on the Oricon charts, their third album, Synchronicity, debuted at number five and would remain in the top one-hundred for the rest of the year. Bennie K had become had a critical a commercial success.Who knows what happened in that span of one year, but the difference in quality between Essence and Synchronicity is stark and unmistakable. The former is a mediocre pop album. The latter is an energetic blend of pop, rap, longue music, hip-hop, R&B, enka—a wonderful thematic synthesis. This incorporation of other genres would continue on their future albums, extending so far as to include American Country—that is rare.Of their five studio albums I decided to upload Japana-rhythm, their fourth, because I personally consider it their best. Their compilation albums are great introductions for anyone unfamiliar with Bennie K, but instead of those I also chose Japana-rhythm because the entire album has an over-arching thematic structure based around the four seasons; compilations disrupt its melodic flow. It is also their only release that ever debuted at number one on the Oricon charts—I’m not counting their first compilation album, which also debuted at the top spot.Sorry about the later than usual upload today. Requests are welcome as always, and I hope you enjoy the album!
03/18 11:16 jusan
Fairy Tail OST
03/18 11:14 jusan (讨论)
EXIT TUNES PRESENTS GUMitia from Megpoid [FLAC] 01しわ / buzzG feat. GUMIしわ feat.GUMI - EXIT TUNES PRESENTS GUMitia from Megpoid02きょうもハレバレ / ふわりP feat. GUMIsきょうもハレバレ feat.GUMIs - EXIT TUNES PRESENTS GUMitia from Megpoid03卯月の嘘 / ちゃむ feat. GUMI卯月の嘘 feat.GUMI - EXIT TUNES PRESENTS GUMitia from Megpoid04ドロボウナイトトリック / ゆちゃP feat. GUMIドロボウナイトトリック feat.GUMI - EXIT TUNES PRESENTS GUMitia from Megpoid05神様の云う通り / TOKOTOKO西沢さんP feat. GUMI神様の云う通り feat.GUMI - EXIT TUNES PRESENTS GUMitia from Megpoid06失恋リピーター / タカノン feat. GUMI失恋リピーター feat.GUMI - EXIT TUNES PRESENTS GUMitia from Megpoid07Eraser / ep0d feat. GUMIEracer feat.GUMI - EXIT TUNES PRESENTS GUMitia from Megpoid08片足のウェンディ / Nem feat. GUMI片足のウェンディ feat.GUMI - EXIT TUNES PRESENTS GUMitia from Megpoid09防衛本能 / 桑爺クワガタP×buzzG feat. GUMI防衛本能 feat.GUMI - EXIT TUNES PRESENTS GUMitia from Megpoid10カトレア / ゆずひこ feat. GUMIカトレア feat.GUMI - EXIT TUNES PRESENTS GUMitia from Megpoid11横濱遊廓迷楼事件 / てにをは feat. GUMI横濱遊廓迷楼事件 feat.GUMI - EXIT TUNES PRESENTS GUMitia from Megpoid12ハダカの女王様 / 銀河方面P feat. GUMIハダカの女王様 feat.GUMI - EXIT TUNES PRESENTS GUMitia from Megpoid13ナキムシロボ / ラムネ村人P feat. GUMIナキムシロボ feat.GUMI - EXIT TUNES PRESENTS GUMitia from Megpoid14マインドコントロール / YM feat. GUMIマインドコントロール feat.GUMI - EXIT TUNES PRESENTS GUMitia from Megpoid15ヒトリボッチ革命戦争 / 触媒ファントムガール feat. GUMIヒトリボッチ革命戦争 feat.GUMI - EXIT TUNES PRESENTS GUMitia from Megpoid16ショコラと隕石 / monaca:factory10日P feat. GUMIショコラと隕石 feat.GUMI - EXIT TUNES PRESENTS GUMitia from Megpoid17サイコモーション / out of survice feat. GUMIサイコモーション feat.GUMI - EXIT TUNES PRESENTS GUMitia from Megpoid18迷妄少年と小世界 / 164 feat. GUMI迷妄少年と小世界 feat.GUMI - EXIT TUNES PRESENTS GUMitia from Megpoid19ボクノショウメイ / moffもっふーP feat. GUMIボクノショウメイ feat.GUMI - EXIT TUNES PRESENTS GUMitia from Megpoid20ぼくらのいつか / add9ヘリP feat. GUMIぼくらのいつか feat.GUMI - EXIT TUNES PRESENTS GUMitia from Megpoid
03/18 11:14 jusan (讨论)